Q: What is this website?
A: This website is dedicated to the content from the content-creator Badassgamez. Specifically the content from the walk-through tutorials.
The videos found here are recordings from the YouTube channel “Badassgamez”.
The goal is to give everyone access to the quality content that was created by Badassgamez for the classic Tomb Raider games.
Q: What content this website will contain?
A: As of today (February 17, 2021), the website is focused only on Tomb Raider classic games (Core Design) walk-throughs.
The current sizing of this website is set to contain only this scope.
However, everything is possible, and an expansion can be considered in the near future to include more TRLE walk-through videos (and perhaps Sunday Explo videos).
Q: Is this website free?
A: Yes. It is free for everyone.
No user registration is needed and all videos are ad-free.
The website is self-supported by the Badassgamez community.
Q: Does this website has the blessing of Badassgamez himself?
A: Yes.
Q: Why there is no way to register / comment / like content on this website?
A: This is a legacy website. The goal is to keep it simple, clean and focused only on the content and nothing else. These features will not be enabled.
Q: For questions, inquires or issue reporting, how can I reach the admin of this website?
A: Use this email address: